B.O.D./Mega-Boyfriend Crisis

Batgirl very much appreciates everyone's thoughts and wisdom during this difficult time. THREE Team Batgirl Boyfriends on the DL? What's a (Bat) Girl to do? Well, given the drastic nature of the situation, we've taken the most unusual step of TEMPORARY BOYFRIENDS. Yes, it's a big Team Batgirl/Twins key party. Please note: The Temporary Boyfriends are only good until the Original Boyfriend comes off the DL. Should someone then wish to stay with his/her temporary boyfriend permanently, all points accumulated by his/her former boyfriend go to the Field.

And the lucky players are:

BatBaby: Kubel
Jeb: Silva
Sooz: Cuddy

None of that, of course, mattered today.

picture courtesy of Eric

Goober/Doctor: 17; Readers/The Field: 14; Batbaby/(Kubes) 8; Batgirl/Chairman 6; Jeb/ (Silva) 3; Sooz/(Cuddy) 3.

Due to intense BatSleepiness, the Return of Nutty will have to wait 'til another start. But Nutty is here with us in our hearts, always

Posted by Batgirl at July 17, 2006 11:09 PM