Ahhhh....that was fun. And Boof! Hey, Boof! That was cool. And after a potential return to ass-battitude, oooh, the bats! The Doctor was mad hott tonight, after hitting a lot of balls 407 feet yesterday he discovered the wonders of singles, and Little Nicky Punto showed some Punton power, but Batgirl's going to give this to Sweetcheeks, because gave us a lead from which we never looked back, because he looks like his feet are about to fall off, because we need him to get hot again, plus she misses the BatBaby a good deal, and that makes you, Torii Hunter, the Boyfriend of the Day.
Goober/Doctor 21; Readers/The Field 20; Batbaby/Torii 10; Sooz/(Cuddy) 9; Batgirl/Chairman 7; Jeb/Lewwww 4.
Posted by Batgirl at August 18, 2006 10:49 PM