Stay on Target.

(Lew) Ford will fly to the Twin Cities this week, where arthroscopic surgery will be preformed by team physician Dr. John Steubs.

What I wouldn’t pay to hear that conversation...

Dr. Steubs {comfortingly}: We’ll be inserting a tiny camera into your knee...

Lew Skywalker {eagerly}: Where?

Dr. Steubs {precisely}: We’ll insert it into the joint of...

Lew{a little put off}: No, I mean where will I be? Polis Massa or just some medical frigate?

Dr. Steubs {slightly startled}: I’m sorry - what?

Lew{using his Luke-whining-about-the-blast-shield-being-down voice}: Will the 2-1B droid that is doing the surgery be on a medical frigate, or are you taking me to the medical center on Polis Massa that Queen Amidala went to?

Long Pause

Dr. Steubs {rubbing temples}: This is a Star Wars thing again, isn’t it?

Lew{patronizingly}: I just want to make sure that it has a properly functioning bacta tank so I can get back to the team as soon as possible.

Dr. Stuebs{wearily}: For the last time Lew, I don’t have a bacta tank, and you’re not getting a new mechanical knee. We’re just repai...

Lew{confidentially}: Hey, that’s OK, because I’ve decided what I really want is a magical knee. Maybe something like a +2 Knee of Flame?

Longer Pause

Dr. Steubs {Beaten down. So very beaten down.}: No, the flaming thing is on the list of banned substances. But I think I can get Terry to spring for a vorpal knee. It will lob off the head of the closest opposing player.

Lew: Righteous!

Dr. Steub {giving up his will to live}: But only if you roll a 20.

Lew: Well, duh.

Twins Geek is ashamed to admit he needed to do almost no research for this story. He's also publishing daily at

Posted by Twins Geek at March 14, 2007 09:29 PM