As you can see, we are in the early process of teaching Baby Dash to throw a change-up lefthanded. So far, it is going extremely well and we expect him to master the pitch sometime in 2027.
Dash is doing wonderfully. He is putting on more weight than Dennys Sampler Reyes, and is right where he should be for a baby of his gestational age (if he had been born when he was supposed to be). He has a few lingering prematurity issues, but nothing that isn't expected to go away. And he is a superstar--very patient with us as we bumble around trying to figure out this parenthood thing. And he lets his mom listen to the Twins on the XM most nights.
A big BatThankYou to everyone who gave to Batgirl's WalkAmerica drive. Batgirl was sitting in a pharmacy one day and saw a commercial that began talking about the number of babies born prematurely every year and the risks involved, and she began to weep harder than during last year's postseason. The commercial was for March of Dimes and their efforts to help premature babies, and she vowed then to participate in WalkAmerica. Thanks in large part to Batlings, she has raised almost $4000 for Saturday's walk. An extra-huge thank you to JimCrikket for his extremely generous matching grant challenge.
Posted by Batgirl at April 19, 2007 11:29 PM