Separated at Death?

After Batgirl revealed a stunning likeness between Lew Ford and Lindsay Whalen, loyal reader Biggoombah wrote in with the following startling revelation:

The minute I saw those Ford and Whalen pictures, my brain went deep into its darkest places and told me I'd seen Juan Rincon on a box of cereal. Seriously, no more than 2 seconds after I saw it, I was seeing Boo-Berry. See the attached document for rock-solid proof.

This does raise some disturbing possibilities. Obviously, Boo-Berry is the ghost of a deceased person, because that's what a ghost is. The subject was explored in a fine exposé on But Rincon is clearly with us on this earth. Or is he? Could he be a pitching zombie of some sort? Or is Boo-Berry a time-traveling ghost from some future time when Rincon is no more?.

Readers, look for yourself!


EDIT: Musically-inclined loyal reader KW points out another stunning likeness! What does it all mean?

Nathan.jpg chocula.gif

The truth is out there!

Posted by Batgirl at May 12, 2004 12:22 PM
