The Boyfriend of the Day contest is a competition between the boyfriends of each of the members of Team Batgirl. Should no boyfriend contribute to the Twins victory, or should a non-boyfriend have an extraordinary game, the B.O.D. is awarded to a non-boyfriend and that point goes to the field—the collected boyfriends of Batgirl’s massive and devoted readership.
I am merely clarifying the rules here in anticipation of the world-wide outcry when I proclaim that today’s boyfriend is Cordel Koskie. The player of the game is certainly Johan Santana (who indeed earned the B.O.D. after his last start) but while he may be brutally hot, he’s not an official boyfriend—and Cordel’s performance was strong enough to give him the award. He was involved in three of the Twins runs tonight, which is pretty good after being involved in no runs for a very, very, very long time. We need to encourage him. Anyway, the game’s in Canada, eh?
Readers/Field 11, Cordel/Jeb 7, Shannon/Sooz & Doug/Goober 6, Joe (Batgirl) 3.
Posted by Batgirl at June 15, 2004 08:55 PM