The Boyfriend of the Day competition may need some retooling, what with Batgirl's barely legal boyfriend seeing various specialists for the foreseeable future, and Goober's poor boyfriend traded to the BoSox. Many of you have asked what Goober will be doing now—I think he's in a period of shock and will really need some time to sort out his feelings, and look within his heart.
But for today, well, Batgirl's a little torn between Corey Koskie for slamming himself into Jason Varitek, Canadian-Style, Guzie for going 3 for 4 and leading that key double steal, or Dr. Morneau for working a 3-2 count and hitting such a massive sac fly that poor Orlando Cabrera lost his senses and thought he was back in Montreal.
What do you think?
Field/Readers 15, Corey/Jeb 10, Dougie/Goober 9, Sooz/Shannon 7, Joe/Batgirl 6.
Posted by Batgirl at August 1, 2004 03:40 PM