The RD Report, No. 3

RD feels good even though TerryTuffyTiffee's batting average took a .500 point drop in Game 3 of the Sweeeeeeeeeeep! Bradke was a rock, the defense was solid and a nine-game lead looks rock solid, don'cha think?

RD wants to thank those of you who have expressed kind words about Batgirl's replacement bloggers. Some of the kindnesses have come from those scheduled to fill this space in the days to come, and there seems to be a hint of nerves in their words. Stop! RD knows you will do great, showing the world a depth of talent that's unprecedented in the Blogging world.

RD needs to take care of a housekeeping reminder. TONIGHT's Santana/Nathan campaign rally in Section 141. Skorch of the Sombrero will be outside Gate B at 6:30. Don't be shy, wear your stuff, have fun, drink responsibly. RD has a soccer conflict so he will be unable to attend, but hopes that you'll use his comment space to share your experiences. Stand up, Doggz!

RD only watched the last couple of innings Thursday night and then saw some highlights. Were his eyes playing tricks, or did Justin Credible snare a snarky throw from across the infield in the spirit of his predecessor at that position? Someone tell.

RD tries to refrain from talkin' politics in this space -- beyond his unconditional support of Santana/Nathan, of course. But he does have one question after watching a few minutes of the Republican National Convention: WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW SO MANY WHITE FOLKS IN ONE PLACE?


Posted by Ron Davis at September 2, 2004 11:04 PM