
1) Much of Team Batgirl will be at this rally Monday evening. Will you?

2) Batgirl wonders, too, how many Batlings will be going to the playoffs. For some reason, Batgirl's press pass seems to have gotten lost in the mail, but Team Batgirl has secured their tickets for the division series. The press passes will surely come in time for the ALCS, won't they?

3) All this talk of Joe Mauer bobbleheads makes Batgirl sad, for she has a family obligation Saturday morning and cannot be there to receive her own six inch copy of her official Boyfriend. She has been so loyal all year, not dropping him even though, you know, knee surgery, and now she will be left bobbleless. What kind of world is this? Somebody get Batgirl a bobblehead, stat!

Posted by Batgirl at October 1, 2004 12:13 AM